When Customers Talk
When Customers TalkShoppers appear more motivated to shop with a commercial which is perceived as useful and valuable information. Moreover, when looking at the part/whole relationship of the commercial there are some other surprising results.
In the commercials presented by Target (41.7/61.6), Wal-Mart (29.8/50.4), Best Buy (46.1/50.1), and JC Penney (38.9/41.9), the highest score was on “the message presented is engaging to me, and the message presented made me think of gifts for family and friends,” but did not rate a high score on the motivation to shop. Regarding the aesthetic elements, the commercials from Target (43.0/52.3), Wal-Mart (37.5/39.9), Best Buy (43.0/40.1) and JC Penney (38.9/46.0) were rated consistently high. The “activity” in these commercials, and the “whole” commercial were rated very high. Whereas “pace” was the key element for the useful and valuable to me (Kohls [49.1] and Sears [46.1]).
Across the board “printed images in T.V. commercials were rated at the bottom of aesthetic elements. We continue to present a holistic integration of advertising, with simultaneous media usage, tied to consumer socio-economic retail behaviors by channel and spend.